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Round Song
돌림 노래


<Round Song> is a metaphor for the inevitable overlaps of lives. Like round songs that repeat certain patterns of melodies and lyrics, our lives are often shaped by repetition, reflection, and variations of the lives of others. This series of works indicates simultaneous encounters with, and divisions from, others through images of windows and overlaid structures. 

<돌림 노래>는 피할 수 없는 삶의 중첩에 대한 은유다. 특정한 패턴의 멜로디와 가사를 반복하는 돌림 노래처럼 우리의 삶은 종종 타자의 삶에 대한 반복, 반영, 변주를 통해 만들어진다. 이 시리즈의 작품들은 창문과 중첩된 구조물의 이미지를 통해 타인과의 동시적 만남과 이별을 암시한다.

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"Wherever you go, just don't go too far away from me."

From the mother of the mother of my father (1910 - 1965)

"어딜가든 좋으니, 내게서 너무 멀리만 가지 말아라."

​내 아버지의 어머니의 어머니 (1910 - 1965)로부터

"You move. You are being moved. You are movement. Inseparably. Indefinitely."

From Dictee

by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951 - 1982)


"당신은 움직입니다. 당신은 옮겨집니다. 당신이 곧 움직임입니다. 따로 떼어놓을 수 없습니다. 정의를 내릴 수도 없습니다."

딕테에서 발췌

​차학경 테레사 (1951 - 1982)

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Window Underwater: Your mossy body was warm and soft

Oil on silk, wooden stretcher bars and frames, 186 × 98 × 3.5 cm, 2024

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Inside and Outside of the Journey

Oil on silk, wooden stretcher bars and frame, 62.5 × 54.4 × 3.5 cm, 2024

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Place for Praying

Oil on canvas and silk, wooden stretcher bars and frame, 

size variable, 2024

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Place for Waiting: Days and Nights without You

Oil on silk, wood stretcher bars and frames, and incense stick, size variable, 2024

Place for Waiting: Days and Nights without You


Photos by Alexander Hoyles

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