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Portal of the Homely yet Magical
​평범한, 그러나 마술적인 (2023)

The Homely yet Magical

(Answers from participants at the Domaine de Boisbuchet)

My parents' bed in their room where my younger sister and I played together

Shiny Streets in Milan

Windermere in the photobook

The Christmas tree on 25th December in my grandmother's house, which kept the sparkles from the day before

My grandfather's patio where I used to paint and draw

The graveyard covered with white and pink wildflowers

The tree house in the backyard where I spent a lot of time in my childhood

The smell of my grandmother's house

The backyard of my grandfather's house where my only sibling - my cousin - and I used to play

The pine tree forest near the beach which smells like salt





Photos by Leidy Karina Gómez Montoya 

<The Portal of the Homely yet Magical> is a project of creating new signs in Domaine de Boisbuchet, a commune of designers, architects, and creators, in Lessac, France. 

​Instead of using the pre-existing signposts such as arrows, fences, and road signs with names of small towns nearby, the artist intended to make a sign that could open up new space-time which can be explored, imagined, and remembered by individuals. This work, next to the pathway to a forest, which guides them to an open field, allows visitors to imagine their own homely yet magical space-time: cherished memories, nostalgia about something that they have not directly experienced, and images of the future which has not arrived yet. 

*This work was part of a collaborative project/workshop with a design group, The Rodina in Amsterdam. 


<평범한, 그러나 마술적인>은 프랑스 레삭에 있는 디자이너, 건축가, 그리고 창작자들의 공동체인 도메인 드 보부쉐 (Domaine de
Boisbuchet) 에 새로운 표지들 (sign)을 만드는 프로젝트다. 작가는 도메인 드 보부쉐에 있는 기존의 표지판들 (화살표, 울타리, 마을의 이름이 적힌 팻말들)을 대신하여, 개인이 탐색하고, 상상하고, 기억할 수 있는 시공간을 열어주는 표지를 만들고자 했다. 숲으로 향하는 길 옆, 들판으로 관람객을 인도하는 이 작품은 관람객을 그들이 원하는 시공간 – 소중한 추억, 경험하지 않은 것에 대한 노스탤지어, 그리고 아직 도착하지 않은 미래의 이미지- 을 상상하게 한다.

*이는 암스테르담에 기반을 둔 디자인 그룹, The Rodina 와 함께한 공동 프로젝트/워크숍의 일부이다

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